Instant Sabudana Dosa Recipe

How to make Instant Sabudana Dosa Recipe?

Hello Friends welcome to SAS FOOD BLOGS, Today we are going to see how to make Instant Sabudana Dosa Recipe. Sabudana dosa is a popular South Indian dish made with sabudana (tapioca pearls) and rice flour. It’s a simple and quick recipe that can be enjoyed as a snack or a light meal. Here’s how to make instant sabudana dosa:


  • 1 cup sabudana (tapioca pearls)
  • 1 cup rice flour
  • 2-3 green chilies, finely chopped
  • 1/2 cup yogurt
  • 1/2 teaspoon cumin seeds
  • 1/4 cup finely chopped coriander leaves
  • Salt to taste
  • Water, as needed
  • Oil for greasing the pan

Preparation Method

Today’s recipe is delicious and taste recipe that is Instant Sabudana Dosa Recipe and so let’s gets started.

Step 1 (Instant Sabudana Dosa Recipe)

Rinse and Soak Sabudana:

  • Take 1 cup sabudana and wash it well clearly. Soak the sabudana in enough water to cover them completely. Let them soak for about 3-4 hours, or you can soak them overnight. The sabudana should become soft and swell.

Prepare the Batter:

  • In a mixing bowl, combine the soaked sabudana, rice flour, chopped green chilies, yogurt, cumin seeds, and salt. Mix everything well.

Adjust Consistency:

  • Add water gradually to the mixture to achieve a dosa batter-like consistency. The batter should be smooth and pourable.

Add Coriander Leaves:

  • Mix in the chopped coriander leaves. This adds a nice flavor to the dosa.

Heat the Pan:

  • Take a pan and heat it by keeping the flame on medium. Once hot, reduce the heat to low.

Make the Dosas:

  • Grease the pan with a little oil using a paper towel. Pour a ladleful of the dosa batter onto the center of the pan.

Step 2 (Instant Sabudana Dosa Recipe)

Cook the Dosa:

  • Drizzle a few drops of oil around the edges of the dosa and a few drops on top.
    Cover the pan and cook the dosa on low heat until the edges start to lift and become golden brown. This will take about 2-3 minutes.

Flip and Cook:

Once the edges are crispy and the dosa easily comes off the pan, gently flip it over. Cook the other side for 1-2 minutes until it’s lightly browned.

  • Remove the sabudana dosa from the pan and place it on a serving plate.

Serve Hot:

  • Serve the sabudana dosa hot with coconut chutney, peanut chutney, or any chutney of your choice.

Instant Sabudana Dosa Recipe is ready to serve, so you can try this recipe in your home and enjoy it and share the recipe with your family and friends.

Benefits of Instant Sabudana Dosa Recipe:

The instant sabudana dosa recipe offers several benefits, making it a popular choice, especially during fasting days or as a quick and easy meal. Here are some of the benefits:

Step 3 (Instant Sabudana Dosa Recipe)

  • Quick and Easy: As the name suggests, this recipe is instant and doesn’t require lengthy preparations. It’s perfect for when you need a fast meal option.
  • Fasting-Friendly: Sabudana is often used in Indian fasting (vrat) recipes as it is considered a permissible ingredient during certain religious observances. The sabudana dosa is a great fasting food option.
  • Gluten-Free: Sabudana dosa is naturally gluten-free, making it suitable for individuals with gluten sensitivities or celiac disease.
  • Light and Easily Digestible: The dosa is light on the stomach and easy to digest, which makes it a good choice for those with dietary restrictions or during fasting when heavy meals are avoided.
  • Rich in Carbohydrates: Sabudana is a good source of carbohydrates, providing a quick source of energy. It’s an ideal option for replenishing energy during fasting days.
  • Yogurt and Probiotics: The inclusion of yogurt in the recipe adds a probiotic element, which can be beneficial for gut health and digestion.

Step 4 (Instant Sabudana Dosa Recipe)

  • Versatile: You can customize sabudana dosa by adding other ingredients such as grated vegetables, spices, or herbs to suit your taste.
  • Good Source of Fiber: Sabudana contains dietary fiber, which can help promote healthy digestion.
  • Delicious and Tasty: Sabudana dosa is a flavorful dish, and the combination of ingredients like green chilies and cumin seeds adds a unique taste to the dish.
  • Pairing Options: You can enjoy sabudana dosa with various chutneys such as coconut chutney, peanut chutney, or mint-coriander chutney, which enhances the overall taste.
  • Can Be Made Vegan: If you want to make the dosa vegan, you can substitute the dairy yogurt with plant-based yogurt or skip it altogether.
  • Remember that while sabudana dosa has its benefits, it should be consumed in moderation. Sabudana is high in carbohydrates and low in protein, so it’s essential to balance it with other nutrients in your diet.

Additionally, it’s a high-calorie dish due to the frying process, so consider your dietary needs and preferences when including it in your meal plan.

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